Hey all! I'm the Archivist, and I made this site as an homage/archive for my favorite nonsensical newspaper, The ugly duckling report. I grew up with this newspaper and have very fond memories of it, so I want to share it with a new generation. Unfortunately for both me and the archive, I only have two pretty water-damaged front and second pages, so that's all that's up for now. If anyone who still has copies of the articles could share them, I would be indebted. I'm leaving my contact information down below if you or anyone you know has a lead !
Here's the most recent article uploaded! UDR Weekly Update of August 1st, 2000
Note: I just wanted to thank Eggy at EGGRAMEN for the newspaper template; it's been such a lifesaver when it comes to transferring articles. If you haven't already guessed, I'm pretty new to this whole HTML thing, so bear with me as I figure it out! And again, thanks Eggy!